Data Science
4D Group Leader
Our group is led by Professor Duncan Astle.
Duncan is the Gnodde Goldman Sachs Professor of Neuroinformatics at the Department of Psychiatry, and a Programme Leader at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge.
He is also a Fellow and Director of Studies at Robinson College, and a member of the MRC's Neuroscience and Mental Health Board.
The 4D research group captures a broad programme of developmental cognitive neuroscience. A hallmark of this science has been methodological innovations for understanding neural systems in childhood, how they are linked with developmental disorder, and how they respond to intervention.
This programme of work has been supported by the Royal Society, the British Academy, the Medical Research Council, the Economic and Social Research Council and multiple charitable foundations.

Meet the team...
Team 4D
The 4D research group provides a home for around 15 Early Career Researchers. Post-doctoral fellows and PhD students take advantage of the state-of-art facilities at the University of Cambridge, including on-site magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencephalography scanners. Team members also contribute to building specialist cohorts hosted locally - the Centre for Attention Learning and Memory (CALM) and Resilience in Education and Development (RED). Find out more about their projects by going to our Group Members page, or about these two cohorts by clicking on the links below.
Find out more about local cohorts that we contributed to

Development, Dynamics, Disorders and Data Science